Evolve Your Health Blog

Combining personal experience and research with nutritional and lifestyle hacks to empower and support mamas everywhere in building strong, healthy families. 

Cassie in the Kitchen

Cassie Rief, FNTP, RWP
Hi – I’m so thrilled you’re here!
As a crunchy mama and advocate for personal health empowerment, I’m passionate about sharing my holistic, natural approach to nutrition and wellness in actionable ways
you can use to up-level your family’s health and happiness. 

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Understanding the root cause of sugar cravings

Understanding the root cause of sugar cravings

Sugar cravings – who DOESN’T have them? Sugar is extremely addictive after all, with some studies reporting it is more addictive than alcohol or cocaine. Yet, while cravings are a normal part of life, how we respond to them can be incredibly common (eat ALL THE SUGAR!), but far from normal. While I wholeheartedly believe denying a sugar craving is not a matter of willpower or discipline, I do believe it IS a matter of mindset and intention. In my RESTART® program, where participants are well-supported through a three-week sugar detox, the only rule I teach is that when choosing foods to eat, we do so consciously, we enjoy the food thoroughly and then we let it go. This frame of thought gives us freedom from guilt or shame. It lets us more...

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